Sunday, February 9, 2014

Behind the vines

Well, another two weeks has gone by.  I haven't done much, but instead of berating myself about it, I'm just going to accept the fact that I don't know how to really go about this.  I sure wish someone would give me some pointers here.  A game plan would be ideal... I did bring some boxes home, and they are in the study, and the study itself is emptier than it used to be, which is excellent... in fact, I realized today  that I can actually now use it for the place to do yoga, or for painting, or meditation... It heartens me to think like that...  I mean I start getting ideas like putting down the perfect yoga mat, or setting up a place to work and putting out all my painting supplies.... Guess I'd better get back up there and fill up those last boxes.  Then I'll just stack them and have them ready to give to one of the neighbors who likes all the used books, videos, clothes, etc. Back to work.  Wish me luck.

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