Sunday, March 20, 2011

All in good time

 Sometimes I begin my blogs without titling them, letting the title come to me along the way, but today I felt compelled to start off with the title itself.  Somehow I knew it would center me.  And yet, after such a long time having passed with no blog entries, I had no idea what I was going to write about, so I'm not exactly sure why I titled it as I did - it just came out as I clicked inside the title box.

Although, as I continue writing this, I'm relaxing into it.  It feels right, doesn't it?  I'm sure that's what I really meant to write about, because after all, Time is what Life is all about.  From the issue I just mentioned, about not having blogged in so long, to the situation I'm living, trying to spur myself on to get things done and keep the ideas coming for new projects, the saying about 'all in good time' does truly fit!

And I think I will use it in my English course this bimester, which focuses on expressions and sayings in English.  It's kind of nice to stop and take a breath and tell yourself, as Grandmother B. used to tell me when I was running around, trying to hurry things up: "slow down, there's plenty of time, plenty of time."  (She always said it twice, and in a very relaxed voice complete with Russian accent and intonation). 

Of course, technically I suppose, time does end for you when you die, but I think the essential "you" continues throughout the time that's still being lived by your loved ones, meaning you are still alive in the time of the people you affected during your life - take my Grandmother B., for example, who is here with me writing this blog 18 years after she died!  In other words, the more people we know and love in our lives, the more time we get after we're gone.  After that, I guess it'll just depend on how many stories are told about us to future generations.  For example, Car will get talked about plenty to any future grandkids he would have had.  His image is so powerful that hopefully that generation will feel they actually knew him! 

Okay, but let's get back to the real issue here and the fact that Time is only relevant as such to those who are living within its bounds.  In my case, for instance, I go from totally forgetting it exists (time flies when you're having fun), to worrying about it slipping away (like sands through the hourglass), to trying to balance things - making time for the things I want to do - lists and lists of them - and getting things done in time in spite of all the time lost in dreaming and procrastinating. 

And whichever mood I'm in, whatever mode I'm in, be it: 
  • "why bother?"
  • "I'll do it later"
  • "I've got to finish this!", or
  • "If only I could find the time to do it!"                     
                     there's a little voice reminding me I can do it, 
                                                                   assuring me I will do it...
                                                                                                all in good time.


IdaRose said...

I love this blog! Good truths abound! My heart is full of wonderful memories of loved ones! Always "All in good time".

minshap said...

oh, and that brings me to another whole idea - which I'll blog about soon.