Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who says vacation means a trip?

I cannot believe how wonderful it feels to be on vacation this time. I've always loved my vacations, and I suppose each time one starts, I feel pretty euphoric and I enjoy each one to the max and treasure the memory of it for a good month or so when I go back to work. But this vacation has been unique. AND THERE ARE STILL A FEW MORE DAYS TO GO!
It's the first vacation that I've had that I've spent exclusively w/Car - IN ALMOST 29 YEARS! Can you believe that? We've been together for 30, but after the first year, there were always kids between us. And I mean - BETWEEN us, AROUND us, BESIDE us, BEHIND us, AHEAD of us, ON TOP OF us... in short, everywhere! And I love my kids to death, I really do... but this vacation - WOW! I didn't know Car and I could just go back to being the people we were when we met, but essentially, that's what we've done! We just fit together naturally, and we can spend ALL DAY LONG in the house, just hanging out, or outside, just hanging out... and we have REAL CONVERSATIONS that don't turn into arguments (though we've had a couple of those too, but they ended pretty fast), and when we sit down to eat together, there's a bottle of wine - every day!! - and something delicious that we made together...
I'm still marvelling over this fantabulous vacation we are having!
I think I'm going to really try to cut down on my work schedule come September. Anyone who knows me knows that I really love my work too! But this - being at home and free from obligations - is just... well, there's simply no comparison!!!!


Fned said...

Aw mom!! I'm SOOO HAPPY to read your post. I'd been worrying that now that almost all the kids have left the nest (where's S?) you and Car might be feeling a little lonely.

I LOVE that you are having such a wonderful time together and that YOU, my dear, are relaxing a bit for once in your life! ;)

I'll call you guys later tonight before we leave.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful that you both are enjoying life and one another!

minshap said...

Fned: You're right; Samo is still here, but not physically here as of last week (went to beach w/Lu). Hope I get to talk to you, but please call as late your time as you can so I'll be here.
Stace: thanks for the recognition. If anyone should know what it's like, it's YOU! You lucky, lucky thing!

Alex said...

Aw how adorable! you both sound like a couple of newly weds! ;)it is a wonderful feeling huh?
Gracias por pasar por mi blog, que maravilloso comentario, me hizo pensar muchisimo!!

Theresa in Mèrida said...

Minshap, I love having time with just Husband, I am always amazed at people who say that they are NOT looking forward to their retirement or their spouses retirement because of having to spend so much time with them!
On an another note, I have started a month long project. I haven't posted about it yet, but probably will on Monday.

minshap said...

ale: Newlyweds would be stretching the imagination (in terms of years) but thanks!
theresa: the surprising thing was that, while I wasn't dreading the situation, I wasn't looking forward to it with expectations either. So it took me by surprise! Who would've guessed that it would be so great to be at home alone with someone you've lived with for so long??
Thanks for the tip about your project! Will be checking! As for mine, nothing new to report as of end of vacation.