As for us - first of all, it was a day full of preparation. If we make it thru 2009, I'm going to insist that we just buy food already prepared on the 31st (which of course will never happen). I can't believe all the work that goes into preparing the kinds of dinners Car always wants to have on these occasions. The meals are wonderful - absolutely delicious - but everyone is all done in by the time we sit down to eat!!!!
Oh, what am I complaining about? We really had a fabulous dinner of gourmet pizzas and outstanding salad, good red wine, good talk, music, just a nice evening. The only problem was, Car was completely tired out after he filled up, and said he was going to rest for awhile, and the next thing I knew, he was sleeping, we were all deep into a thriller movie someone picked out, and it was 23:45 (as in a quarter to midnight!). QUICK! Snap off the Tv right at the good part, wash and set out the grapes, everyone gather around the table... Anton was completly sacked out on the couch and could not move, but the rest of us managed to stagger back to the table, sit around and do the countdown, and then eat our grapes - one per each chime of the clock - and then HAPPY NEW YEAR, with hugs all around... you know...
But today is today. The first day of 2009. I've been thinking seriously about my resolutions, because YES, I DO HAVE QUITE A FEW!!! So here goes:
1) I want to be a nicer person this year. I want to be more attentive and giving, and sharing, and loving, and HELPFUL!
2) I want to eat more fruit! LOTS OF FRUIT!
3) I want to SWIM REGULARLY!
4) I want to WALK REGULARLY with the dogs!
5) I want to keep up with the tomato garden.
6) I want to WRITE something that I can get involved with like the last two books.
7) I want to follow up on that whole publishing thing for the other books.
8) I want to LOSE 7 KILOS that I didn't realize I'd gained (though how could I not know since my clothes have gotten so tight lately!!)
But here's the thing - it's all well and good to want things, but a resolution implies that you WILL COMPLY! And that's what I'm not so sure about. Today was the first day, and I haven't been the nicesest person in the world... I did eat a lot of fruit, though. And Car showed me a REAL LIVE TOMATO that's hanging on one of the vines!
Okay, the resolutions stand as "ojalá"s (meaning, hopefully I'll have the will to comply).
Happy New Year and good luck with resolutions!!
Great pics.!!
oops...."none" is me!! gotta see how to fix that!!!!
Hey sdunone - Thanks for clearing up the none thing! Strange! Also, loved seeing the pics you sent. Thanks! And of course - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
uh-oh... I feel compelled to explain that last picture! It's not a New Year's picture per se, but I just like it so much. Maybe it symbolizes something for me, like good will, hope, nostalgia, beauty... and the list goes on. Also it was the night everyone came in from their trips, so I guess it does count as part of the end-of-the-year saga.
It's so great seeing all the pics!! Glad everyone made it in okay and the pizzas sound delicious! Wish we could have been there with ya.
Love ya and Happy New Year!
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