Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 23: Are there any tomatoes in there?

I think it's time to weed!
Okay, I've been letting it go, thinking sooner or later, little tomato plants would pop up, but it looks to me like all I've got here is a lovely mish-mash of weeds!
So, today, I'm going to weed my garden and plant again. Maybe it's the seeds I bought. In addition to planting in my little garden, I planted a few tomato seeds in three different strategically-placed macetas in the house, but nothing has come up in any of them either, so maybe the whole pack was a dud - although the expiration date says 2009. Another problem could be the earth-enricher I used... (abono), which is all natural but maybe too strong to put right over the seeds (which I did)! So, I'll dig up the weeds, mix in the abono lightly and plant again... or maybe, as one student suggested plant the seeds first,
and then put the abono lightly around - as opposed to on top of - the plant-hole.
Wish me luck!


Theresa in Mèrida said...

The seeds won't need the abono until they have some true leaves until then they will be using stored food. If you think the abono is too strong make some manure tea and use that to water instead. Don't get it on the leaves. It is also possible that he birds ate the seeds or the seedlings. So put some wire screen (mosquitero) over your pots that they can't do that. My tomatoes didn't come up either but I have a lot of basil!

minshap said...

hmmm... I'm sure you're right... you're always a great help in these gardening matters!! A sage, one might say! Meanwhile, I may be getting to Mérida end of this month or so... would sure like to meet you... maybe it will happen!