Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 30: end of the line

end of day
On our last trip to this beach in Veracruz, I was trying to photograph an incredible sunset. When I resorted to regular light, the picture came out too dark - mostly black with brilliant orange streaks, but you couldn't decipher the beach, water or people. Then Samo told me to use the night light and this was the result. End of day looks more like a brilliant morning!
But anyway, this is the end of the line for the 30-day photolog! Hence, a few reflections:
  • It took more than 30 days! Due to the impossibility of blogging every single day, I was forced to cheat! Conclusion: next time it should be a 12-day photolog over the period of one month. That would give me some time to consider carefully, or to take random pictures for a few days before having to post one of them...
  • I didn't follow the rules of using a picture taken on the day itself (picture above is proof of that!) ... too difficult to be uploading pictures from my camera every day. I gotta work, you know! And we aren't allowed to have cameras at work so that means my photo-shooting time is severely limited. Conclusion: same as above - next time I will take photos for a few days and then choose from those taken to use in a 3-a-week photo-blog.
  • Using photos really gets the mind working. I like that aspect of it and it was only because of the difficulty of shooting, uploading, choosing, and posting one photo per day that I got so off-track. Conclusion: same as the above - a 12-day photolog spread over one month should be much more interesting and doable!

But I'll tell you what would really help - having a theme! If anyone has a good idea for a photo-log theme, please advise! That would give the whole thing much more content! I'll think on it too. Meanwhile, hope you're enjoying all the lovely sunsets, sunrises, rainbows, blue skies and rainy days too that come your way!


Anonymous said...

congrats on all your efforts!! just send pics of whatever and whenever the mood strikes. always fun to see what's up in your world!

minshap said...

Okay, but actually I do have an idea of what to make it about! Stay tuned; will be starting soon!

Fned said...

Hey mom! Great pic of Lewes!

Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us next.


minshap said...

Oh, Fned, so nice to see ya here. Hope I can start the new one on the weekend.