Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 17: Better than reality

View from the living room
I've got a new camera!

The picture above was taken from inside the house, through the glass door, and I swear, the real view doesn't look this good, even with the door wide open.
I'm still reflecting on that... a camera that makes a view look better than reality!
At the same time, there's a picture of me that captured my expression down to the last detail and beyond, and that was rather a shocker!
I suppose in the end, the poor little camera - a Sony and quite nice! - can't differentiate between good and bad... what it does is capture all the tiny details to produce an intensely vibrant picture... but if you're feeling less than vibrant, don't get in the way of the shutter!
I'll keep that in mind... meanwhile, I'll just enjoy getting the feel of this new little tool. The trick is to concentrate on becoming an excellent snapper, while steering clear of being the snappee!
P.S. Sorry I've skipped a few days but, haven't had any time to attend to the blog.


Fned said...

Hey mom! Congrats on the new camera!! Was that a mother's gift? (or a fathers? GULP!)


Fned said...

P.S. The view does look better than the real thing. :s

Anonymous said...

OK, we've had fair time you're here,I'm dodging that new camera as I sure don't want to become the victimized "snapee"!! However, interesting that the view is better in digital than reality. Work on making humans the same and you'll have a gold mine!!
S :)

minshap said...

fned - no gift was that; it was compensation!
StayDun - that's exactly what I thought! If you can get a view that's better than reality, shouldn't humans be portrayed the same way??? Maybe it depends on the human. Don't worry, you're naturally photogenic!