Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 4 - Angel? But why the dagger?

I can't figure her out - but that just adds to the aura of dangerous charm that surrounds her. Can you see the dagger strapped to her thigh? And what about those exquisite wings?
You probably can't see the baby dragon that is at her feet. It has wings similar to hers. Is she some kind of mutant?
Whatever the weather, I adore this creature!
Do you ever reward yourself just for having come through the fog, or gotten something done, or finished a particularly challenging project? Well, that's what this little figure was to me - a reward! A treat! Compensation! Inspiration to keep up the good work...
All I need to do now is name her... maybe something like "Mystic Angel"...?


Fned said...

Are you sure it's an angel? I would have guessed a pixie... or a fairy...


minshap said...

OH THANK YOU, thank you fnedini!! You are so right, it's some kind of mythological fairy... I think I'll look for info in the mythology book we have. But anyway, I still like the name of Mystic Angel...