Monday, June 30, 2008

Catching up: Day 18, part II (substituting Day 16) - on the way home

country roads...

Well, as I was returning to work after taking off for a quick pop-in at Clo's High School, I decided that this was my chance. Driving along the periférico at 2:00 pm is really enjoyable - there's so little traffic. This meant I could stop several times along the way to try to capture these lovely scenes that are quickly disappearing! It's true. Every week you can see new construction going on at some point on that highway. It's really given me cause for concern! Many of the sites are future housing projects, and that is not nice to contemplate, no matter how nice the architecture (and most of it isn't).

So I took this picture which I liked because of that blue pick-up in the distance. It was a challenge to get it in the right place at the right time but I got it on the second try.

I'm pretty sure that's a cornfield! I'll try to get a follow-up shot when the corn is ready to cut; should be lovely!

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